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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  November 5, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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i owe all of them my son. [ female announcer ] alta bates summit medical center and sutter health -- our story is you. (male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. >> tomorrow, we begin a new tomorrow. >> our work is not yet done. >> the presidential candidates crisscrossing the state we will sturdily didst numbers in the scenarios that will decide the election. >> in the bay area, they will decide weather to put a tax on a shared resources in the richmond district. this could be a lively debate. and public nudity at city hall. what the supervisors
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did today. >> one controversial local bay measure is richmond the soda tax. it is one penny on sugary drinks. and the sports drinks and the beverage that contains high caloric sweetener. that does not pertain to melt. >> 60 of these students organized the measure they argued both sides of the soda attacks. weeks' practice the and rehearsing both agreed that obesity is a real problem. they are not old enough to vote but they are hoping to sway independent voters. >> i believe that we help for our obesity levels to be reduced. i cannot think of
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putting a tax is going to be the solution a specially when the tax is not precisely going to be going to fight obesity. >> water is always cheaper why don't they just buy water. >> those people that debated this forecast for the people that had the best argument for or against the so that tax. the group of students that receive the most will be declared them rende f. >> reggie kumar, kron 4 they will be-declared the winner. >> extraordinary steps of the super storm sandy residents will be able to vote. ballots were delivered to the emergency shelters. and andrew cuomo has issued an emergency message for any
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polling is suitable for the residence. >> let me show you the east coast residents of for the most damage was done by hurricane sandy. this light gray is were there was moderate damage and as we move towards the coast it becomes heavier in the hardest-hit areas. it was along the jersey shore and connecticut. the next thing i want to show you are the voting selections these were towards barack obama and the bread is the present for the majority want to canne let us start on the
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jersey shore. you can see it is a mixture between republicans and democrats. however, north of atlantic city it becomes almost entirely republican. although there are a few democratic strongholds. new york, you can see staten island. it is pretty much split between republicans, democrats but as we go to the north-east. the island of manhattan was almost solid democrat. the same on the east river of long island at all, a democrat. if we move to the east along long island you can see that it becomes a mixture. democrats, republicans. once again that this does not show how it will go but it seems to show that the majority of these voters tend to be democrats. in the san francisco, kron 4 news. >> in just a few hours the first presidential votes
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will be tabulated in it to him shirt it is 80 tradition. >> mitt romney began his day and new hampshire, virginia, ohio and then to new hampshire or the president it was wisconsin, and of the goodness and the decency of the ohio. and ending up in iowa. these six states are too close to call. the biggest is florida with 29 electoral votes in the president has made 26 visits there since the month of june. he has made 38. this shows that the republican candidate of less than one-half of 1%. ohio, 18 votes. and 454 mitt
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romney and virginia, 13 electoral votes. 20 ohm pop- up visits. 27 brugge visits and president obama is ahead by 1.5%. president obama also was a 2.5 percent lead for i was six electoral votes and 4 percent lead for wisconsin 10 votes. >> let us break it down. these blue states are safely towards obama. and degrees are taki key swing let me show you this mitt romney victory if he takes florida and leading he really needs to win florida if this is going to work out for him. and if he takes virginia, ohio, he still as only at 266. and he needs to 70. if
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we give him a new hampshire that would be giving him the 270--4 victory. let us take away ohio. and if he loses ohio he still does florida, virginia, new hampshire, mitt romney would also have to have victory in wisconsin, iowa, and still colorado. that would propel him over the 270. these are just a couple of these scenarios coming up the path to victory for president obama. >> as a reminder will have extended live coverage on election night. 8:00 p.m. and you can stay updated on our website kron 4 .com and facebook and twitter. >> the committee of san francisco board of supervisors a proposed ban
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on public nudity today. the board city operators and neighborhood services committee voted 3-nothing to send the ordinance to the full board. the legislation would prohibit new the from the waist down and plazas, parks, sidewalks, streets and public areas are run the city. and new to the is allowed in public spaces in san francisco as long as there's not lewd conduct associated with it. >> record heat. but not a lot of record but some areas to see record-breaking temperatures. and we did tie that previous record at mountain view at 83 degrees. the other high temperatures run the region, 70's and 80's. 70's in daly city, 70's in san rafeal, vallejo.
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and '80s and sunnyvale. we do have one more sunny day before it changes. clear skies and some fog is changing overnight. apical to the coast with the golden gate bridge. and again not expect to stay mostly clear overnight. sunny, warm but the changes. much cooler temperatures on the way and the rainfall. what we can expect, coming up. >>pam: tomorrow's election could be historic in more ways than one with marijuana use could change as multiple states vote on its use, really. >> governor jerry brown returns for a last minute proposition 30 push. and a website on who you should vote for based on how much money you make.
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>> decision 2012. there'll be marijuana issues. >> it is medically sold but specifically, the laws are round it and three other states could drastically change after the election. colorado, washington and oregon all have measures to legalize it for recreational use. it could be the first time ever that it has been approved for recreational use. that is against federal law that could be a response out of washington. something that we've seen all these medical marijuana dispensaries in california. there are three other states, massachusetts, arkansas, montana are
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already allowing those for medical marijuana and 17 other seats. and washington, call lebron o in massachusetts those are most likely to pass. arkansas or an organ is most likely to fail. the porsche for recreation was " put on the ballot later defended it would be the first state in the southern sections to allow medical marijuana. when we talk about medical marijuana keep that-porsch pu sh//or medical marijuana it would have a very small amount. they've been trying this forcibly years. >> realistically how many states how likely are those going to pass? >> many people are going to say that it is likely to weapon in these states but
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look back at what happened in california. likely to- happened and what these states in 2010 but it did not pass in 2010. with least two of those states will recognize marijuana. >> the future of education in california will be decided by voters. there are two propositions tax increases. one of them as proposition 3 that has been the backing of jerry brown. proposition-30 -- if it does fail? there will be $6 billion impacting k-12 education. and $500 million will be cut from the public universities. that could also provide tuition increases. dan kerman has more. >> governor brown has been
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pitching he has trying everybody else to win this series are we going to do it? >> yes! >> and what can only be described as a pep rally for proposition 32 backers have assembled a who's who of the top democrats to make the case for proposition 30. >> if you are wavering? please vote yes i believe the future of this state depends on it. >> voted yes! the only thing that is going to stop the sixth million hit that demands that there be accountability. and independent audits that will be part of public records. >> the people of california care about their kids, their schools and the future. keith the california dream alive. >> not everybody is in support. , is really a shell
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came when it is about an education, or tax increases. >> opponents for inside, outside the state of california have spent plenty of money to defeat the initiative and its tax increases. >> it is not just the answer when there is incredible unemployment numbers that is not attracting jobs. tax increases could only make matters worse. >> those supporting proposition 30 is 48%-38%. still, that is not enough for that to pass. some of those undecided will have to switch before it becomes successful. >> one of the political websites getting the most is called polidify it tries to
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offer an easy way to calculate what canted it would be better suited for somebody's personal situation. gabe slate tech report >> this is free, easy and fascinating. with a single, married, your income and no independence. and that is it. and what canted its are better for your pocketbook. mitt romney? or president obama? the larger the number, the better it is for you but if you only care about money this is a great tool. >> we've looked at the entire candid its plan. with every tax credit that they want to promote. and also they're spending planned we
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look at every single item. that they are proposing and we will allocate it to your household and community. how it would impact your scenario at large. >> why would it be popular during just elections? >> this would be on criteria that did not impact them, their looks, religion, various and tax that really did not impact their well- being. and i was able to get 2.5 million uses so far we are getting a large port portion of the electrics. pam and how accurate can this be? of the live-elect works? >> they're still way to measure it but there are also a bit more controversial with the general practices of think tanks. we allocate it in a very simple fashion. if there is a cut to
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education? and the household will lead a double impact of their two children. >> gabe slate, kron 4. >> as a reminder will have extensive live coverage it all starts at 8:00 p.m. you can stay updated on our website. and as well as facebook & twitter. >>jacqueline: this unusually warm day and it is staying warm and a number of places. still 70's. half moon bay, a redwood city. otherwise, we will see clear skies for the most part. some fog close to the coast potentials to warm tomorrow. as we go towards wednesday this pattern is going to start to break down. the sea breezes will continue with more fog and cooler temperatures. we will see thursday and as the rain is clipping the main area. temperatures in the 50s and 60s by thursday. but not the
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case tomorrow warm south of the golden gate. temperatures are going to be mild. as we go for the afternoon we will see '70s and '80s again tomorrow. notice by new and the widespread '70s and '80s remaining. and here is a look at neighborhood by neighborhood with 70's and 80's to cupertino. 79 in san jose and upper 70's low 80s for the inland valleys. and 73 an element of and also 70's down the peninsula. 73 degrees in san francisco in 60s closer to the coast. the sea breezes will pick up as we transition from these weather patterns. temperatures will be cooling. by 3:00 p.m. and a look at your extended forecast still warm, nice but wednesday, thursday, changes with warmer
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conditions. lingering towards friday morning and look at how will these temperatures are going to get. just in the 50s. 54 along the coast. and we will start to warm up but that fog will stay with us and that warming trend will continue early next week. stay with us.
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>>pam: san francisco is working diligently to find these people that are responsible for the destruction of a muni bus. >> this 22 year-old was a sharp contrast with a look alike and the giants winning the world series. this was a chronicle photographer that
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night. and he pled " not guilty " and the client dog rapoport is saying that he has a message. -douglas rappaport. >> it is nice to hear that he is apologetic but unfortunately we have nearly $1 million in damages. he was part of that group. we have people that were on that bus. >> district attorney saying that an apology is not enough. he spoke to a press conference saying that this investigation is only getting started. >> we want to send a clear message that when you come to san francisco to celebrate in damage property or people there are going to be consequences. >> he is being charged of the felony, vandalism in the district attorney says as the more damage and charges to be filed. .
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[ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. >>pam: we are just hours away fr[ female announcer ] safeway presents
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>>pam: catherine heenan has the latest on decision 2012. >> both campaigning corn states that they need to have victory. and both candidates are calling on some star power. bruce springsteen for president barack obama and campaigning hard on some states. and what could get the most supporters. >> if you are willing to work with me again and knocked on some doors and turn out for me. >> this is this campaign that the future the we're going to leave to our children and we thank you and we ask you to stay with it until we have victory tomorrow night. >>catherine: as for things tomorrow it could have a messy and out. one example
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is the anchor and threatened lawsuit of the reduced window and florida with the- increase people with the angry outlook and also ohio. the ohio election could be so tight that it could come down that could take one week. this is used when they have asked for an absentee ballot but that they would vote on their polling place on election day. and hurricane sandy a storm battered new jersey county is delivering ballots to a shelter making it is most manageable as possible. catherine heenan, kron 4. >> let us si help president obama can get the 270. let us-see how president obama can get the 270. and ohio
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is really the key. if he could get ohio where he is favored but a swing state like wisconsin, the 270. then victory. let us take wisconsin out of their and virginia. and 274. and and all, a victory. and if the president loses ohio. however, if he gets enough to get florida, that would give the president enough to get florida and florida is huge. if somehow, it goes towards the way of all, that would change everything for mitt romney worrell,. and if the still four votes short of the 270. and if they still want to pull this out there
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could be new hampshire, wisconsin, iowa, 273, colorado. and 272. you can see there are a lot of different ways that this can go. it is projected to be a very close election and will be here. >>pam: early ballots were clacast at the registrars and oakland. they look like there were 75 percent of the county's 820,000 registered voters were participating in the 2012 election. some of those voting today tell us that it is the issues that got them to the voting early. >> there are very strong philosophical beliefs. it is beyond our deficit. , that made a huge impact on our vote, women issues, social issues, that determined that. >> there are so many issues that have to be concerned about i am an educator. >> the power of these states
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is for the country or is it in the living constitution to which is called with but the power is filling in put more power back to the federal level. and win, lose, draw i do my part. that is what makes it feel good. >>pam: voters will be able to cast their ballots at the lme the registrar of office at the alameda office 7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. as a reminder, will have extended live coverage it begins at 8:00 p.m. and stay updated on our website kron 4 .com and facebook and twitter. >> and other news, search and rescue teams are looking for a 75 year old man. he went missing in santa cruz, yesterday. this is his picture he is a retired engineer. he is
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described as 5 ft. 11 in.. blue eyes, gray air. >> an estimated 7000 grocery store workers went on strike raleys and knob hill they filed an unfair practice complaint and they rejected the allegations. they have over two dozen stores throughout the bay area. >> the san jose principle lin vijayendran was the principle of o.b. whaley failing to report a teacher of molesting students was found guilty today. the teacher, crack gender is in jail for allegedly craig
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chandler... is still in jail. >> when you have the responsibility of children in your care you cannot afford to drop the ball at an important moment like that. she got horrible advice from human-resources. and she did not do what she knew she had to do she had a suspicion and she did not act on it. dimwit six month--with six months, she is facing $100 a and 100 hours of community service. >> and after one week after the ravaging of the east coast they continue to pour in the contributions has taken and $85 million. that is over double the $35 million on friday. with these monies, the red cross has been operating shelters, food, water, and relief supplies to the storm victims.
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>>jacqueline: this live look for more bay bridge 79 degrees in half moon bay and we're still going to see one more warm day before things really start to change. cooler weather and rain on tap for the rest of the week. i will tell you when you could meet that and more dry weather will return. >> coming up, not all graffiti can be treated the
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same there in our politics and the art of removal. i will explain on the next edition of people behaving badly.
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>> welcome back. taking a look at the markets. one analysts saying that uncertainty could prevent investors from making any big move. >> apple shares for the templates fell to 50% in the third quarter. this is now that the ipad is facing more competition. the galaxy tablet and the google version. they have still have a generous lead. with 14 million devices were is shipped that is up from the
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just one year ago. and also, netflix adopted a " poison pill " defense plan to protect itself against hostile takeovers. the plan would kick in if an individual or group acquires 10% or more netflix shares without approval from netflix board. this is in direct response to notorious corporate raider carl icahn.. bought a 10% stake in the company last week. the leaders carole mcfadden is bent up the 8-oakland raiders-and also the coach is battling will leukemia his inspiring message. your sports, coming up.
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(male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. >> we've always heard about how much cities spend on the clean up before graffiti. and this is this. that is constantly hitting by graffiti attackers. i am talking about vandalism that is causing prickly $500,000 per year and this does not include everything. i get numerous complaints that this continues. there are a lot of politics associated with who is responsible for what is being attacked. for example, these pillars fall under that jurisdiction
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of bart. you would have to contact bart, not unions pacific. and it can you see this this is no longer a union pacific property would have to contact the city of oakland or the private owner. however, the union pacific are the responsibility of the railway company. but there is a catch because union pacific grove road offices are in omaha, nebraska. the only way they would know of the graffiti problem is that if you call them, illegal dumping included. so my advice, let's start hitting up union pacific and let them know that there is a problem we connect at least keep this area cleaned. i am going to put that link to the union pacific railroad offices in nebraska if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, you can email us at m
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>>jacqueline: the skies are clear. tabs on the warm side in a number of places. the golden gate but it is possible that we could see some fog along the overnight hours. as i mentioned temperatures still warm with half moon bay. 72 degrees in the same in san francisco 71 in richmond. still, 66 in antioch. and as we take a look mostly clear skies but patchy fog possible. still offshore in the does the look like there could be that strong this night tonight. that will leave as a more on the chances of rainfall. temperatures
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running in the 60s. as we go for it , plenty of seven 80s. i do think that once we get to the left afternoon hours. it could cleared, coastal locations for tomorrow. and in the south bay, nice and mild. '70s and '80s to 70's also through the peninsula. and again with this the breezes we will see those temperatures dropping quickly into the evening hours. a look a your extended cooler with temperatures are going to be cooled dramatically
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thursday, friday. dropping into the fifties by thursday. courts. >> to let us take a look. the raiders. but it was born in oakland 251 yds, four touchdowns and tampa bay tore apart the defense. adding insult to injury, mcfadden injured. he could sit for a while. >> karehad an x-ray that was negative. aaro we will see how a paredarren response and this is so jim harbaugh spent his
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week. >> we did a lot of fun stuff with my wife, the kids. and we were visiting with them around the house. we did a train ride. and went to a toy store fun stuff. >> briefing. >> the indianapolis coach-is saying that is looking not is in remission. and his a special address to was teeing. >> i circumstances. you understand it, i understand it and it is hard to beat. (cheers & applause) >> the vision that i am living is to seek my two
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daughters get married, a dance at their wedding and hoist that lombardi's several times up in the air, several times, we're going to waste that. >> the coach was led by andrew luck he is hoping to be back in late december for the final regular-season game. and now, the final, michael vick falling behind early. and indeed he hooks up with jackson 77 yds with a 20-10 new orleans. true breeze and a few are following football you know that reportedly, and again
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people that are on the eagle beat that philadelphia did not when they could be replaced. the seventh time ta--sack they fall 3-5. and the warriors are struggling in sacramento as we speak they call it a black out. everybody wears a black jersey. and they watch the markets cousins go to work. curry to landry and thorton, kings in the 3rd... >> i must submit that it is been difficult to concentrate tonight. with cheesy endorsing president
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barack obama. and still, they are saying that their wives are more popular than them. and if you talk about and athletic marathon. they look better. and make romney perhaps also looks tired. >> i wonder how old he is? >> i think that he is 49. >> 17-18 years and what happened to paul ryan? >> he has been around. >> this really is, and can we see paul ryan? i really want the big boys. and i love vicki but i want to see p.m. mor campam....
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>>pam: i bet they yelled a lot at new l [laughter] and anyway, that is going to be an >> of our lifetime so far. >> i'm not projecting 20 years but you know that tomorrow it is really going to be something. >> there is all,. >> get out and vote. >> and if you watch cable television? >> yes heard there is going to be extensive coverage. >> and i'm going to be home watching p.mam... she is
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great! join us, and michael yaki
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,, signed a $26 million two- year project contract. but blasted his manager, we will see you at 11:00 p.m.
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